Samstag, 10. Oktober 2020

euphorAT - (g)lu(e)ck20

twenty20 - an unfinished non-concept-album in progress...

twenty20 - an unfinished non-concept-album in progress featuring maybe 20 tracks produced by euphorAT
in the past 20 years 
and first released now on TEN-10-TWENTY-20 (10.10.2020):

Freitag, 22. Mai 2020

New Release ⭐"Shiva"⭐

"Shiva" - 2 tracks fulfilled with SHIVA-Power-Compassion-Love

ron j. "euphorAT", april 2020

Freitag, 15. Mai 2020

❇❇❇ I am that I am that I am that I am ❇❇❇

❇ Recorded and produced by euphorAT in 2019 ❇
Full track download:

😊💙 S-M-I-L-E 💙😊

OOOMMMMM... Keep on singing, dancing, laughing, loving, silencing everyday, my dear friends!!
LOVE 💜, Ron J. (aka "euphorAT", "dj euphor" and by all my other names :)